Center Equipment

Compression Testing Machine
Universal Testing Machine
Rapid Chloride Penetration Test
Freeze-Thaw Cabinet
RHK Pan style STM with FM-AFM
LC Technologies Glovebox
LC Technologies Thermal Evaporator
Inspect F50 Field Emission High Resolution (~ 1 nm) Scanning Electron Microscopy facility equipped with secondary electron detector, low kV back-scattered electrons detector, and electron dispersion spectroscopy (EDS) detector.
Asylum MFP-3D-BIO Atomic Force Microscope
Inverted Epifluorescence Microscope, Nikon Eclipse Ti Model
Zeiss Axiovert A1 Epifluorescence Microscope
Inovenso Electrospinning: NE200 Electrospinning/Spraying Machine
Thermal Technology LLC SPS 10-3 Spark Plasma Sintering
ExOne Binder Jet
TruPrint 3D Laser metal fusion
Wilson VH1202 Microhardness Tester
Nanovea Tribometer
Instron Premium 5969 Mechanical Testing System
SLS/DLS/DDLS set up with q = 15-150; T = +10 +80C; l = 488, 514nm
DLS set up with q = 30-130; T= -12 +80C; l = 514nm & 632nm
Bryce-Phonix Differential Refractometer (dn/dc measurements)
Nikon Inverted Fluorescence Microscope
Labconco Freeze Drier
Thermo nanodrop
Axygen gel imaging system
Gas permeation test system with mass flow controllers and a Perkin Elmer Clarus 590 GC
Across International furnace operational up to 1700 °C
Micromeritics ASAP 2010 accelerated surface area and porosimetry system
Cahn Microbalance

NS3 NanoSpectralyzer

MCR301 Rheometer

Olympus BX51W1 Optical Microscope

BioX bioprinter

FormLab 3+ SLA printer

Lumen X DLP bioprinter

Olympus Fluorescent microscope

LABCONCO -50C Lyophilizer

8-channel peristaltic pump

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