External Research Grants

Dr. Srinivas Allena

•Development and Characterization of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC) Using Nonmetallic Fibers, NEx (ACI Center of Excellence for Nonmetallic Building Materials), 04/15/2024-10/15/2025, $66,607.

•Ultra High Performance Concrete Using Local Materials – A Sustainable Material For Extremely Durable Infrastructure, National Science Foundation, 05/01/2022 – 12/31/2024, $50,000.

•Optimization of Concrete Mixtures, Rockport Ready-Mix, Cleveland, $41,000, Fall 2020 – present (This is a continuous funding source to our research group from the local industry).

Dr. Geyou Ao

•CAREER: Elucidating the Synergistic Nanoscale and Carbohydrate Interactions of Glyconanomaterials with Bacterial Proteins, Toxins, and Cells. National Science Foundation, Role: PI; 06/01/2022-05/31/2027; $609,147.

•Establishing Liquid Crystals of Boron Nitride Nanotubes for Aligned Assemblies. National Science Foundation, Role: PI; 07/01/2021-06/30/2024; $353,902.

•Engineered Organic Color Centers for Profiling Protein-Carbohydrate Recognition. National Science Foundation, Role: PI; 07/01/2019-06/30/2023, Total Award: $356,969.

Dr. Jessica E Bickel

•REU Grant: Synthesis, Assembly and Characterization of Soft Matter Research Experience for Undergraduates. NSF (with Kiril Streletzky) 2023-2026; $367,615.

Dr. Petru S Fodor

•Acquisition of a field emission scanning electron microscope for multidisciplinary nanotechnology research, National Science Foundation – MRI. Role: PI; 09/2011 – 08/2015; $472,113.

Dr. Chandrasekhar Kothapalli

•Improved pathogen control for poultry processing: Experimentally-validated mathematical models for scalding, chilling, and post-chilling. USDA-NIFA-AFRI. (with Dan Munther and Shawn Ryan); 07/2023 – 06/2026; $498,177.

•Glial scar morphology informed tunable biomimetic platforms toward spinal cord injury repair. National Science Foundation, Role: PI; 06/2021-05/2024; $299,996.

•Design and development of a multifunctional nanoplatform for augmented elastic matrix repair. National Science Foundation. Role: PI; 09/2019-08/2022; $299,872.

Dr. Chelsea Monty-Bromer

•Vertically stacked ZRA Sensor array for real-time water quality monitoring. TeCK Fund (Ohio Third Frontier Technology Validation and Startup Grant; Role: PI; 12/2022 – 08/2024; $100,000.

•Wearable Health Sensor. RooSense LLC, Role: PI (with Peng Jiang); 08/2022-08/2024; $81,000.

•Rewriting the Redox Paradigm: Dynamic hydrology shapes nutrient (N, P) and element . Department of Energy. Role: Co-PI; 09/2021-08/2024; $300,000 (CSU portion, $57,000).

•SBIR: Novel Test Kit for Detection of Microbial Corrosion in Petroleum Systems; National Science Foundation; Role: Co-PI; 05/2021-05/2023; $256,000

•SBIR: Wearable Fabric Sensor for Hydration Monitoring; National Science Foundation; Role: Co-PI; 04/2021-05/2022; $256,000

Dr. Josiah Sam Owusu-Danquah

•Rural Equitable and Accessible Transportation (REAT) Center, TIER 1 University Transportation Center. U.S. Department of Transportation (with Emmanuel Kidando, Lutful Khan); Role: Co-PI; 2023-2024; $300,000.

•Recruiting and Retaining Staff. Ohio Department of Transportation, 2024-2025. Role: PI; 2024-2025; $50,000.

•Integrative Ecosystem to Support Minority Students in Engineering. Northeastern University stEm PEER Academy. Role: PI; 2024-2025; $10,000.

•Ultrasound-Activated Shape Memory Lengthening Device. National Science Foundation (with Brian Davis); Role: PI; 2021-2022; $50,000.

Dr. Sebastian Sensale Rodriguez

•Using molecular functionalization to tune nanoscale interfacial energy and momentum transport. National Science Foundation. Role: REU Subawardee, 11/2022 – 03/2023, $6,300


•Multi-functional Dental Implants; Ohio Third Frontier, Role:PI; 03/2023 – 06/2024; $100,000

Dr. Kiril Streletzky

•Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site at CSU: “Synthesis, Assembly and Characterization of Soft Matter Systems”, $367,616 (PI) National Science Foundation, Division of Material Research, 2023-2027.

•REU site: “Synthesis, Assembly and Characterization of Soft Matter Systems”, $312,303 (PI) National Science Foundation, Division of Material Research, 2017-2022.

Dr. Xue-Long Sun

•Development of Location-specific Sialidase Inhibitors, NIH NIGMS, Role: PI, 08/2021 – 08/2024, $445,500.

•Engineered Organic Color Centers for Profiling Protein-Carbohydrate Recognition, NSF CBET, Role: Senior Personnel (PI; Geyou Ao), 7/2019-6/2023, $346,889

•Synthesis of Biomimetic Proteoglycan and Its Antithrombotic Activity, NIH NHLBI, Role: PI, 7/2017-6/2022, $445,500

Dr. Metin Uz

•Project Title: Wireless mechano-electrical stimulation of pudendal nerve using piezoelectric platform for stress urinary incontinence. NIH-NIDDK Stephen I. Katz ESI R01, $2,339,409, 06.23-05.28. Status: Awarded. Project Number 1R01DK135472-01. Role: PI

•Project Title: Restoring the Mechanosensation in Engineered Skin using Controllable Cellular and Extracellular Cues. NSF-CBET, $503,973, 02.23-01.26 Status: Awarded. Award Number: 2227383 Role: Co-PI

•Project Title: Mechanistic understanding of neural stem cell paracrine activity and extracellular vesicle secretion directed by wireless electrical stimulation. NSF-ERI-Cellular and Biochemical Engineering Program, $196,966, 07.23-06.25 Status: Awarded. Award Number: 2301908 Role: PI

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