“In a world full of uncertainty, isn’t it nice to know a statistician?”
- Ph.D. Mathematical Statistics The State University of New York at Albany (1995)
- M.A. Mathematics The State University of New York at Albany (1991)
- B.S. Mathematics St. Bonaventure University (1989)
Utilizing computer software, collaborative learning, writing, and real data sets in statistics courses and assessing their impact on student learning.
Measurement Error Modeling;
Statistical Applications with other Researchers;
Statistical Consulting
Volleyball, Tennis, Movies, and Novels. I am not a literary snob, I’ll read most anything.
Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education (CAUSE)
This website is designed to provide a plethora of resources for Undergraduate Education in Statistics. Some highlights include searchable databases on learning modules, laboratories, lectures, syllabi, etc. Coming soon will be peer-reviewed teaching materials. The website also contains a searchable database of abstracts on research in Statistics Education and dissertations in statistics education. With recent funding from the National Science Foundation, CAUSE will be sponsoring a series of workshops on teaching statistics in the future.
Project NeXT
New Experiences in Teaching is a program sponsored by the Exxon Corporation and the Mathematical Association of America for new mathematics faculty beginning their careers. At three workshops over the course of a year, participants meet experts in the field of mathematical education who give presentations and provide mentoring for participants. Through this program participants are exposed to current teaching ideas in pre-calculus and calculus reform, collaborative learning, differential equations, elementary statistics, and mathematical requirements for liberal arts students, elementary education teachers, and secondary mathematics teachers. In addition, panel discussion topics include the how to continue research while teaching, how to obtain tenure, what role technology should play in a mathematics classroom. Participants also have an e-mail network where posters can ask questions of all participants and mentors on any topic they seek guidance, resources or general advice on.
2000 Carnegie Foundation Fellow
The Carnegie Foundation for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning has sponsored 40 National Fellows for the 2000-2001 academic year. These college teachers are engaged in the scholarship of teaching and learning at the university level in a variety of disciplines that include mathematics, biology, sociology, law, inner-disciplinary, and history. The Foundation sponsors three workshops on the scholarship of teaching and learning in June 2000, Jan. 2001, and June 2001.