Building Dependable Distributed Systems
Wenbing Zhao
ISBN: 978-1-118-54943-8
368 pages
March 2014
By Scrivener Publishing & Wiley

The book is currently on sale at many online vendors. The best deal typically can be found at link. The cheapest price that I have seen is $45.44 on August 4, 2014. For the ebook version, Barnes & Noble seems to have the best price at $99.99 as of August 9, 2014: link. You can buy individual chapters at Wiley’s online library: link.
Powerpoint Slides for the book
Under development. The slides were based on the lecture notes for my EEC688/788 course. Although I created most of the slides, some were initially assembled from various (publicly available) sources and I am in the process of replacing them with mine.
Chapter 1. Introduction to Dependable Distributed Computing
Chapter 2. Logging and Checkpointing
Chapter 3. Recovery-Oriented Computing
Chapter 4. Data and Service Replication
Chapter 5. Group Communication Systems
Chapter 6. Consensus and the Paxos Algorithms
Chapter 7. Byzantine Fault Tolerance
Chapter 8. Application-Aware Byzantine Fault Tolerance
Also in the plan is a set of lab exercises for most chapters, with open source implementations of a subset of algorithms/protocols described in my book.