9. 06/01/2023-05/31/2026, USDA-NIFA Improved Pathogen Control For Poultry Processing: Experimentally-validated mathematical models for scalding, chilling, and post-chilling. D. Munther (PI), S. D. Ryan (co-PI), C. Kothapalli (co-PI)

8. 04/01/2023- 3/31/2028, NIH SPC1017026017  Investigating PUM1 mediated post-transcriptional regulation of human hemoglobin switching and erythropoiesis.  P. Jiang, Co-Investigator (PI: Merlin Nithya Gnanapragasam)

7. 09/01/2022 – 08/31/2027, NIA/NIH 2R01AG039547, P. Jiang, Co- Investigator (PI: Roman Kondratov)

6. 09/13/2022 – 12/31/2024, NSF/SBIR, P. Jiang, Co-Investigator (PI: Chelsea Monty-Bromer)             

5. 09/01/2021 – 05/31/2023 NHLBI/NIH Progenitor Cell Translational Consortium (PCTC)  MIRC-002500, Principal Investigator (P. Jiang)

4. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), AWD00001593,Principal Investigator (P. Jiang)

·         Phase 1: 2/26/2020 – 9/26/2022 (Completed)

·         Phase 2: 9/27/2022 – 9/26/2024 (Active)

3. 2022 USRA Award (PI T. Heus and co-PI S. D. Ryan).

2. 2021 CSU Faculty Research Development Award (PI D. Munther and co-PIs S. D. Ryan and C. Kothopalli).

1. 2019 CSU Faculty Research Development Award (PI S. D. Ryan).

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