Center for Applied Data Analysis and Modeling

Welcome to the homepage of ADAM!

Big data and High Performance Computing (HPC) is going to change every aspect of modern life, but we just don’t know how … yet

This is the home site for information on the Center for Applied Data Analysis and Modeling at Cleveland State University.

The Center began in Spring 2020 under the direction of Assistant Professors Shawn D. Ryan (Math/Stat) and Thijs Heus (Physics). To address the pressing data needs of our community, we must create a first-of-its-kind interdisciplinary center in the heart of Northeast Ohio. “Big Data” itself has become a buzzword with a meaning that has become less precise in time. Instead the Center will have a focused name Center for Applied Data Analysis and Modeling (ADAM) and a focused mission with the following main goals:

• Develop a cohesive strategy for promoting high performance computing across campus among faculty and integrate faculty research with the Ohio Supercomputing Center (OSC)
• Develop and apply interdisciplinary tools for analyzing large amounts of data
• Develop novel modeling approaches to use the data to address real-world problems facing industries in NE Ohio and across the world
• Visualize and present results in a compelling way 
• Train the future workforce in these sectors that will guide the future of economic growth in NE Ohio. 

The center will address each of these by bringing together interdisciplinary teams of researchers from all Colleges across the campus while providing support through pilot study funding and monthly seminars, a forum where a faculty member or industry professional can present current research and solicit help from the center members, support for student researchers in the summer.


Thursday February 15th, 2024

T. Heus, CFE Seminar on Computing Resources at CSU

ADAM Leadership


Shawn D. Ryan, Ph.D.

Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, CSU. 
Personal Website
s.d.ryan ‘at’

Thijs Heus, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Physics, CSU  
t.heus ‘at’

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