Professor Miron Kaufman, Office SI-116, Tel. 687-2436,

Lectures: TU, TH 6PM-10PM, UR-108, CUA computer lab
Office Hour: TU, TH 5:00PM-5:45PM, SI-116

The goal of this course is to prepare the students to apply quantitative reasoning in work-setting decisions. The 501 course takes a hands-on approach by using real-life examples to illustrate the use of quantitative tools from algebra, probability and descriptive statistics in solving concrete problems. This course helps the students to master the quantitative tools used routinely in the quantitative methods courses: UST601, UST602, UST803 and in research. This course includes computer sessions where the students will be trained to use the state of the art software MathCAD to solve problems and visualize data.


TU, 7/3, class organization: syllabus, assessment quiz, algebra

TH, 7/5, algebra, Hw.1 due, Computer Lab#1

TU, 7/10,algebra, Hw.2 due, Computer Lab#2

TH, 7/12,algebra, Hw.3 due, Computer Lab#3

TU, 7/17,algebra, Computer Lab #4

TH, 7/19,algebra, Hw.4 due, Computer Lab #5

TU, 7/24,Exam I

TH, 7/26,probability, Computer Lab #6

last day to drop

TU, 7/31,probability, Hw.5 due, Computer Lab #7

TH, 8/2, descriptive statistics, Hw.6 due, Computer Lab #8

TU, 8/7, descriptive statistics, Hw.7 due,

Computer worksheets: disk and printouts due

TH, 8/9, Exam II

The course includes eight computer sessions. The grading of the computer work is based on the number of projects successfully completed and on the attendance record. You should save each MathCAD worksheet. A printout of each worksheet will be collected on Tuesday 8/7/2001.

Each student needs a calculator. No textbook is required. There are several books in the library that you may find helpful in learning the material. They are located in the Rhodes Tower, on the 4th floor under QA154. I will distribute periodically handouts.

Late homework will not be accepted but in cases of proven reason. Exam attendance is obligatory. Makeup exam will be given only in cases of proven emergency. Attendance of classes is needed for the proper understanding of the material. Class attendance requirements are listed in the CSU Bulletin.

The final grade in PAD/PDD/UST501 is a weighted average of:

  • Homework 20%
  • Computer Projects 20%
  • Exam I 25%
  • Exam II 35%
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