The Veterinary Social Work Certificate is LIVE
If you are a current MSW student at Cleveland State, check out the new Veterinary Social Work elective and Certificate!!

Veterinary Social Work Certificate
Social workers must understand their clients and communities within the context of their environment and community. With over 70% of homes in the US report housing a pet, and 80% of those homes report animals are considered family members, accounting for animals in the lives of clients is imperative to providing quality care. Doing so allows social workers to better understand decisions, stressors, and support systems. The Veterinary Social Work certificate supports social workers to be prepared to navigate challenging conversations and experiences. Whether exploring financial decisions, navigating the pain of pet loss, finding safety with pets after experiences with violence or natural disaster, or partnering with animals for therapeutic engagement, the Veterinary Social Work focus is an asset for any social work practitioner. This knowledge is beneficial at the micro (direct client engagement), mezzo (program design, implementation and evaluation), and macro (policy and advocacy) levels of practice. Learn more here.