Teaching Philosophy
Teaching Statement (Updated Fall 2015)
Lecture Notes
Introduction to ODEs and PDEs
Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences
- Supervised over 75 Undergraduate Research Projects and 22 Graduate Research Projects
- 2023-2024 Jearl D. Walker Teaching Award (College of Arts and Sciences)
- 2023-2024 CSU Distinguished Award for Teaching (University)
- 2018, 2020, 2022 CSU Alumni Assoc. Golden Apples Award
- 2022 Faculty Innovator Award, Center for Faculty Excellence
- 2018, 2020 Provost Merit Award for Teaching and Research
- 2017-2018 Teaching Enhancement Award, Center fore Faculty Excellence
- Spring 2012 Penn State Department of Mathematics Teaching Award
- Fall 2011 promoted to Graduate Teaching Associate (PSU)

- Fall 2022: Math 401 Mathematical Modeling
- Fall 2022: Math 286 Introduction to Differential Equations
- Spring 2022: Math 311 Intro. to Numerical Analysis
- Fall 2021: Math 401 Mathematical Modeling
- Summer 2021: Math 286 Introduction to Differential Equations
- Spring 2021: Math 311 Intro. to Numerical Analysis
- Fall 2020: Math 401 Mathematical Modeling
- Fall 2020: Math 181H Honors Calculus I
- Summer 2020: Math 286 Introduction to Differential Equations
- Spring 2020: Math 182H Honors Calculus II
- Fall 2019: Math 288 Linear Algebra
- Fall 2019: Math 401 Mathematical Modeling
- Summer 2019: Math 286 Introduction to Differential Equations
- Spring 2019: Math 311 Intro. to Numerical Analysis
- Fall 2018: Math 181H Honors Calculus I
- Fall 2018: Math 401 Mathematical Modeling
- Spring 2018: Math 311 Intro. to Numerical Analysis
- Spring 2018: Math 181 Calculus I
- Fall 2017: Math 401 Mathematical Modeling
- Fall 2017: Math 181H Honors Calculus I
- Spring 2017: Math 311 Intro. to Numerical Analysis
- Spring 2017: Math 182 Calculus II
- Fall 2016: Math 401 Mathematical Modeling
- Fall 2016: Math 182 Calculus II

- Spring 2016: Math 32052 Mathematical Methods for the Physical Sciences II
- Fall 2015: Math 32051 Mathematical Methods for the Physical Sciences I
- Fall 2014-Spring 2015: Kent State Math/LCI Postdoctral Research Associate.
- Mentors: Prof. Peter Palffy-Muhoray and Assoc. Prof. Xiaoyu Zheng.

- Spring 2014: Pritchard Dissertation Fellow
- Fall 2013: Research Assistant
- Spring 2013: Math 220: Matrices/Linear Algebra, Webpage (3 sections)
- Fall 2012: Research Assistant
- Spring 2012: Math 251: ODE and PDE, Course Webpage
- Spring 2012: Math 251Z: PDE, Course Webpage
- Fall 2011: Research Assistant
- Spring 2011: Math 41: Algebra and Trigonometry, Course Webpage
- Fall 2010: Math 251: ODE and PDE, Course Webpage
- Not Teaching 2009-2010 School Year (PSU University Graduate Fellowship)

- Spring 2009: Math for Elementary Teachers I
- Fall 2008: Intermediate Algebra (Instructor and Co-coordinator)
- Spring 2008: College Algebra
- Fall 2007: Intermediate Algebra