General Purpose AMB Test Rig

This multipurpose active magnetic bearing (AMB) test rig is reconfigurable to represent the dynamic characteristics of a wide range of machinery. It has 9 magnetically controlled axes, 5 for standard magnetic levitation and 4 for external excitations. The rig is protected from unwanted vibrations by an optical grade vibration isolation table.

The test rig’s rotor is fully adjustable with multiple diameter shafts and disks which can be positioned at any length. The rotor is driven by an electric motor capable of 15,000 RPM which is connected with a flexible coupling.

The AMBs support the rotor with magnetic fields such that no physical contact is needed. The position of the rotor is continuously monitored in real time by eddy current probes integral to the AMBs. The current in the magnetic coils is then updated as needed.

The AMB test rig is equipped with a dSPACE unit for data acquisition. The dSPACE also serves as a rapid control prototype for the implementation of experimental controllers. In addition to the dSPACE, the test rig is also equipped with industrial standard PID controllers. The PID controllers allow for experimentation under industrial situations and serve as a benchmark to evaluate experimental controller.

Rapid Control Prototyper